
Goal of the project

Project Topic
Impact of Social Media and Streaming Services on classic television business. Comparison between Russia and Germany.
- Introduction of the television markets in Germany and Russia
- How are the formats and broadcasting companies structured in the two countries.
- How is television used since the last decades and what are the predictions for the future?
- Subdivide age groups, pressure groups, access (public or private)
- Alternative models for classic TV
- Are there any existing market surveys in both countries about this topic
- Prediction how the classic TV business will change in the future
- Prediction how the classic TV business has to change to stay on the market
- Advantages and disadvantages of classic TV business for customers in Russia and Germany
- Advantages and disadvantages of streaming services for customers in Russia and Germany
- Market analysis of streaming services and classic TV business
- How many formats are available on the market in Russia and Germany
- Most popular channels / formats in Russia and Germany
- Number of users using the offers in Russia and Germany
- Revenue per user
- Etc.

Structure of the project

The project between Novosibirsk and Coburg has its focus in the project management of information systems. Therefore, we elaborate basic skills in that area. We start by presenting two fundamental ways of project management, as they can be found in today's company world. One is the classic project management approach, the other one is the agile approach. Both ways will be exercised during the term. In order to plan the necessary scheduling, the two streams of working methods have to be understood. The arrangements for the travel to Russia and the workshops in Novosibirsk have to be planned. This planning will be executed in a classical project management approach. A project structure plan is to be developed by the students. As there is a well-defined goal to a classical project plan, these goals have to be cleared out precisely. In contrary to the classic approach the second phase of the term will be continued with a scrum driven project management. In scrum iterations of goals will be set. In every iteration the team will fulfil this set of goals. In order to get familiar with Scrum process an introduction will be given at the seminar kick-off presentation on March 26th. In preparation to the seminar all necessary attending appointments are already scheduled. Two product owner will be defined out of the student teams, as well as two scrum masters. They will attend two teams, which are internationally mixed.

Tasks in Russia (from 11 May)

  • Explain Scrum (procedure as in Munich on 26 March 2019; documents required for this etc. )

  • Conduct survey (create in Germany before)

  • Translation agile project management

Minutes, 26 April 2019

Attendance list: Markus Leue, Franziska Grau, Marius Sünkel, Niklas Schmidt, Leonie Krech, Viktoria Riel, Linda Eirich, Johannes Dengler,
Niklas Sittel, Maximilian Sawincev (Skype)

Excused: Julia Miller

The following topics were discussed:
The meeting was arranged in Coburg to connect the Russian colleagues online. Unfortunately, there were probably
coordination problems, since the Russian participants had been informed that they would not have to take part in April 26.

Action Items
  1. Ms. Grau clarifies, who gave the Russian team the information not to have to participate in the 26.4. and delivers a written report on 3.5. to the above mentioned circle of participants.

  2. Ms. Grau ensures with Mr. Sawincev that time and date are entered correctly in the list on the website. (until 01.05)

  3. Ms. Grau makes sure once again with ALL PARTICIPANTS that the dates announced on the website are valid! (until 03.05)

  4. Mr. Leue sends document with interface commands to Ms. Grau by 01.05.

  5. Mr. Leue sends Training Jira sample solutions Links to explain to Russian project team.

  6. Mr. Sawincev provides access and passwords for Jira to the project team.

  7. Mr. Leue brings Jira cards to the explanation for the Russian project team. Unfortunately this is not possible, because they were stolen in the lecture hall. Consequently, the request is made to use a Planning Poker App during the training on site. For details please contact Mr. Sawincev.

  8. Ms. Grau explains the task to the Russian team on 03.05. in a prepared appointment, which was discussed on 26 April 2019. This task includes the reading and preparation of a Scrum presentation, which is to be held in Novosibirsk by the Russian team to the team from Germany. Furthermore, the documents of the empirical survey have to be prepared.

  9. Ms. Grau invites the Russian team to the next meeting on 3 May, without the participation of coaches, clients or other stakeholders.

  10. The project team (esp. Ms. Grau) sends the translation of the agile project management as a Word file to Mr. Leue and formats it in justification. Target date 3.5.

  11. Project team (esp: Ms. Grau) prepares the empirical questionnaire in German, English and Russian. This questionnaire must be available at the start of the journey.

  12. Ms. Grau clarifies the confusion of the dates concerning the 10.5. until 2.5. It is supposed that this day is a public holiday in Russia. This would have been to be clarified actually in the apron. Please to check the holidays again, a classical one, to forget them international projects! The alternative date must be arranged in such a way that all participants have time. This clarifies Ms. Grau until 6.5.

Minutes, 24 May 2019

Attendance list:
Offline: Markus Leue, Marius Sünkel, Leonie Krech, Niklas Sittel, Johannes Dengler, Julia Miller, Franziska Grau

Offline: Vladislav Deryabin, Margarita Trussova, Egor Cheglov, Linda Eirich, Viktoria Riel, Niklas Schmidt, Nikita Rodionov,
Veronika Danilova, Maximilian Sawincev

Content of the meeting:
  • The meeting was arranged so that the Russian and German teams could plan the next sprint. Here the task was announced by Markus Leue. The effort was then estimated using Planning Poker based on the reference story. The estimations of the effort between Russia and Germany differed greatly. However, a second estimate was made which led to a similar effort.
  • There were technical, organizational, and communication problems. These problems should be avoided in the future. Therefore, all participants have to establish that the whole team is collecting tasks and that the coordination is working. So a fifteen-minute meeting will be introduced every two days. The results of the meeting must be documented in Jira. Rather, the technic should be checked before every meeting in order to counteract communication difficulties.

  • Action Items
    1. The entire project team (Germany and Russia) have to create and give a presentation for the next review on the 14th June.

    2. As of 24th May Mrs. Grau should ensure that the technology is tested so that connection problems can be prevented.

    3. As of 24th May Mrs. Grau will make sure that every deadline will be met.

    4. Mrs. Krech has been selected as Scrum Master.

    5. Mrs. Krech informs herself about the tasks of a Scrum Master until 31th May.

    6. The project team (Germany and Russia) starts using Jira for project work from 24th May.

    7. Mr. Leue checks whether the acceptance criteria were met in the presentation on 14th June.

    Agenda for 5th July

    Graphical time scheduling



    19.03.2019 First meeting with German and Russian group.
    Assignment of Prof. Gerhardt to plan the travelling and the schedule in Novosibirsk in a project structure plan.
    26.03.2019 Training for the German team to use the Scrum framework.
    26.03.2019 Assignment for a paper which sums up the history of the television for each country to the present time.
    (due date)
    The paper about the history of the German and Russian television system is done.
    11:00-12:00 CEST
    Sprint planning 1
    via Skype (Video room Coburg / video room Novosibirsk / Skype attendees)
    06.05.2019 Handover of the papers between German and Russian team, as preparation for the project kick off in Russia.
    11. - 18.05.2019 Travel to Russia with the following steps for the team:
    - Interchange for the project goal based on the papers
    - The Russian project team shall give the German project team a presentation of the methodology
    of Scrum based on the article. It should help the Russian students to understand Scrum.
    - The German team will train the Russian team on Scrum using the format previously received from Vodafone in Munich.
    - The German and the Russian team will continue to work on the stories defined in the sprint planning on 10.05.2019
    11:00-12:00 CEST
    Sprint Review 2
    Sprint Retro 2
    Sprint planning 3
    via Skype (Video room Coburg / video room Novosibirsk / Skype attendees)
    11:00-12:00 CEST
    Sprint Review 3
    Sprint Retro 3
    Sprint planning 4
    via Skype (Video room Coburg / video room Novosibirsk / Skype attendees)
    11:00-12:00 CEST
    Preparation of the main presentation via Skype (Video room Coburg / video room Novosibirsk / Skype attendees)
    12:00-13:00 CEST
    Main presentation of the results in Munich
    The presentation will be from 12:00 - 13:00 via Skype for the Russian attendees.
    The German attendees will present in Munich

    Article: Agile methods applied for university projects


    Coordinator Germany Grau Franziska
    Team lead Germany Sünkel Marius
    Participant Miller Julia
    Participant Krech Leonie
    Participant Eirich Linda
    Participant Schmidt Niklas
    Participant Riel Viktoria
    Coordinator Russia Rodionov Nikita
    Participant Firdavsi Daler
    Participant Deryabin Vlad
    Participant Trustsova Margaret
    Participant Danilova Veronika
    Participant Cheglov Egor

    Story 1 - paper work (Due date 26.04)


    As Vodafone I want to pursue the project in an agile way to meet the uncertainties regarding the study goals.
    To ensure this working model, the experiences of the last run shall be reported to every stakeholder
    in this project. Applying this will be supported by the translation of the protocol written after the project
    closing in 2018. The translation will be executed from German into English. The translation then is to be
    transcripted into Russian language as well. To check whether the translation in either English or Russia the
    paper has to re-read by someone out of the team and capable for evaluation. So the Russian version shall
    be controlled by Prof. Gerhardt and the English version by Vodafone. The period of time for reading and
    work in the adjustment may be mentioned, is to be calculated with 6 days.

    Acceptance Criteria

    - The paper has been translated into English
    - The paper is presented in a doc format
    - The paper has all pictures and graphics filled in in an adequate position as in the German version
    - The paper has been give 6 days in advance to due date in order to be checked by Vodafone
    - The suggestions after the check have been worked in
    - The paper has been translated into Russia
    - The paper is presented in a doc format
    - The paper has all pictures and graphics filled in in an adequate position as in the Russian version
    - The paper has been give 6 days in advance to due date in order to be checked by Prof. Gerhardt
    - The suggestions after the check have been worked in

    Story 2 - survey creation (Due date 10.05)


    As Vodafone, I want the analysis established through empiric elements. The method should cover a statistically relevant
    amount of polls with randomly chosen persons in the considered markets. The goal of the interview is to get an insight,
    usage, new streaming devices or products. Therefore, a survey is to be defined that meets three goals. The surveys question
    allows an empiric and statistical analyses, which leads to a better understanding of today's tv behavior and customer needs.
    Consider in advance what you want to find out through the survey and how this will be achieved. The survey has a size that
    will be accepted from most of the interviewees and the papers will be provided in German, Russian and English language.
    The survey must follow the rules of a verifiable interrogation filled with two similar questions randomly placed, so the
    validity of the interviewed person can be confirmed in the analyses. Be aware of the questioning techniques in your survey.

    Acceptance Criteria

    - A survey as paper is created
    - The surveys question meet the demands of the underlying project scope
    - The survey can be used to analyze the current and future demands of tv customers
    - The length of the survey is appropriate
    - The survey is available in German and Russian language, further in English
    - The validity of the answers is confirmed

    Story 3 - Interim presentation (Due date 14.06)


    As Vodafone, I want to know which results were achieved in Russia. In this respect, all achieved results will
    be shown in an interim presentation. The focus of the interim presentation will be the course of the Russian journey
    and the methodical approach of the survey (not the results). Therefore, the presentation should include the
    course of the week, the goals achieved and the related problems. I am also interested in the cultural differences
    that lead to problems or unclear issues during the week in Russia. Moreover, I would like to receive
    the interim results of the survey. This includes the methodology used in the study, number of participants and difficulties.
    This requires the participation of both project teams. Therefore, a Power Point presentation should be created and uploaded.
    The presentation should be held by at least one German and one Russian team member in English.
    The results of the survey are then presented in the review meeting.

    Acceptance Criteria

    - The method of interview for the survey is described and explained.
    - The problems during the survey execution are highlighted.
    - The course of the week in Russia is presented.
    - Difficulties of coordination of tasks between Russia and Germany due to cultural differences are described.
    - All requirements in the scope of the presentation are considered.
    - Both project teams present the interim results.
    - A PowerPoint presentation is created and uploaded to Jira.
    - The presentation is held in English in the review.